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How to save Phalcon model

When working with database through phalcon orm models there are few ways to save changes on models to database:

Lets imagine you have created new object of phalcon's model and made some changes on it:

$object = new \App\Product();

$object->title = 'new product';

save method

the most simple way to save it to database is to call save method on it:


It returns true on success write to database and false on some error. You can get list of errors caused the failure by invoking method getMessages():

$state = $object->save();

if (!$state) {

update and create method

the save is a wrapper. It check if the object exists in database already and invokes update or create methods accordingly.

If you're confident that object exists or not in database you can directly call methods create to save it to database or update to alter information on selected object as well.